Getting Started With Bountiply

Managing Loyalty and Rewards program for your business would require a lot of effort and manpower, but technology made it easier. And building an app from scratch for your brand may be extra expensive, that’s why Bountiply is here for you!
Tell us the basics, and we’ll make it tailored-fit to your brand
1. Talk to us. Your vision will be our vision, understanding your plan and preferences will be our top priority. We are open to talk about your goal on starting your own automated loyalty program and give advice on what would best fit for you and your business.

2. Gives us the basics. Businesses has their own colors and faces, fonts and tone of voice as such having these elements is the key to design and set up your very own loyalty app.

3. Customization Sprint. Part of customization are the functionalities that you want to add that’s specific for your business. And once the sprint is done we are good to go and launch your Loyalty and Reward App.